KEVELT AS currently employs 28 persons of whom 83% have obtained at least a bachelor degree and 20% of them are PhD graduates. The team has a strong scientific focus and many employees continue active scientific work and give lectures at Tallinn University of Technology.
The management of KEVELT AS is organized through a management board and a supervisory board. All members of the management board have long lasting working experience from the relevant industry and possess thorough competence and understanding of the pharmaceutical sector.
Managing Board members:
Allan Ahtloo
Aleksei Shafranov
Advisory board:
Ivar Järving (PhD)
Nigulas Samel (PhD)
Management Team:
Allan Ahtloo
Külliki Varvas (PhD)
Svetlana Gladysheva
Marina Kostenko
Maria Lipodat
Kersti Kuurmann
Kristel Ets